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Language Landscape

Our first walking trip of the year was to Kentler International Drawing Space in Red Hook. 


Here’s what the children had to say about the artist Golnar Adili…

We learned that the artist’s father was a scholar in Iran, and a rebel. The government was against the artist’s father so the father knew he had to leave. The father left and went to live in America. From then on they lived apart, the father and the family. When the father had gone to heaven the young artist moved to America. –Ezra

…and their own art-making at the gallery

I made my secret message and it looked just like waves. –Maddison

On the trip we learned Farsi, the language of iran and [an] artist who made art out of words. First we took a booklet of translucent paper and drew backwards with drawing behind you fading[;] you could draw in layers. The second activity was drawing characters modeled from Farsi. –Nicholas


Clementine’s reflection on the trip reads like a beautiful prose poem…

On the trip I learned how to make a moving old tv, with a book full of nothing. The long sculpture in the room with Ruth, it looked like heartbeats till the end, it was sudden when it stopped. The layers painting looked like it was overlapping one long sheet of paper, but it was many. I loved the composition.


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